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Full Moon Walk at Michener Museum Labyrinth

Full Moon Walk at Michener Museum Labyrinth

Since my recent training in facilitating labyrinth walks I have been busy spreading the word about labyrinths and having a great time meeting new people from all walks of life sharing our passions.   It is so energizing to meet others along the path, as we enrich each other’s lives! A recent experience I had the honor to share with a new friend, Connie Fenty, was to co-facilitate a community labyrinth walk at the Doylestown Michener Museum. Connie, was the onsite consultant for this labyrinth which was built in 2012.  The Museum sponsors labyrinth walks throughout the year and  it was...

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My Path~Merge of Two Passions

My Path~Merge of Two Passions

The Pettaway Pursuit Foundation (PPF) recently hosted a great conference with guest speaker Penny Simkin.  Her topic spoke to the role of the childbirth educator and Doula.  WOW!  To attend the conference, meet wonderful women sharing similar passions AND to have the opportunity to introduce E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® as a vendor, was definitely a feel good moment! It was a day of connecting with women from all walks of life with the common thread of being committed to women and their families.  I am blessed to have been included in this day, not just as a conference participant, but to help...

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Are you on the fast track? AHH, Take the winding path instead...

Are you on the fast track?  AHH, Take the winding path instead...

»             Do you pride yourself in being good at multi-tasking, but find it getting      increasingly difficult to be effective? »             Is life too busy?  Finding it challenging to take time just for you? »             Difficult to turn off technology and disconnect from email, phone calls, Social Media, internet? »             Have you ever said:  “I don’t have time to relax”; “I can’t quiet my mind, thoughts keep getting in my way”? If you, a friend, or family member can answer YES to any of the above questions, PLEASE keep reading and forward this newsletter to those who may benefit....

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Fear of Flying? Try E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® ~ a tangible product helpful with easing fears and anxieties

Fear of Flying? Try E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® ~ a tangible product helpful with easing fears and anxieties

The year was 1980 and I was heading to Disney World with a good friend. We both were so excited not just about heading to “the happiest place on earth”, but also to be flying for the first time.    What a feeling when the plane took off and upon its landing!  I totally enjoyed the flying experience, whereas my friend, not so much!  Many years and many flights later since that first trip, I have witnessed many passengers with a fear of flying.  My friend is not alone.  The reasons are varied.  Some have a fear of heights, some fear...

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Labyrinths Bring Us Together

Labyrinths Bring Us Together

My love of labyrinths recently took me to a beautiful spot in nature just 30 minutes from home, Green Lane Pennsylvania!  I am a member of the Labyrinth Society and often go on the website to keep up to date on events and happenings in the labyrinth world.  This particular visit to the website brought me to discover FernRock Retreat.  John and Sandy Drescher-Lehman of FernRock Retreat generously invite the public to walk the labyrinth on their property four times a year. My husband and I set out to find FernRock Retreat and take advantage of this opportunity! We set...

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