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My Path~Merge of Two Passions

The Pettaway Pursuit Foundation (PPF) recently hosted a great conference with guest speaker Penny Simkin.  Her topic spoke to the role of the childbirth educator and Doula.  WOW!  To attend the conference, meet wonderful women sharing similar passions AND to have the opportunity to introduce E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® as a vendor, was definitely a feel good moment!

It was a day of connecting with women from all walks of life with the common thread of being committed to women and their families.  I am blessed to have been included in this day, not just as a conference participant, but to help spread the word about labyrinths. 

So, what is the PPF and WHO is Penny Simkin??

  • Learning about the good work done by the Pettaway Pursuit Foundation, founded by Theresa Pettaway, and meeting those involved with this program was a great experience! PPF is a non-profit organization and its unique program is called “Doula By My Side”.   A doula is a woman caregiver who provides non-medical assistance before, during and after childbirth.   Keystone First, Health Partners and Tufts Health Plans identify high risk pregnant members and consult with PPF to work with the members who can most benefit from the support of “Doula By My Side”.   The program is designed to educate and empower expectant mothers through each phase of their pregnancy and provide follow up support for 8 weeks postpartum.  “Doula By My Side” provides services in the Philadelphia and Boston areas.  Help spread the word. Their work is priceless in helping to improve maternal and birth outcomes! Thank you for all you do!!     Learn more by going to:
  • Penny is a “Guru” of childbirth education. I have great respect for her and all her contributions through the years. Penny has not only helped and supported women and their families, she has also shared her experiences and knowledge with those of us who work in the field.  A pleasure to finally have had the opportunity to attend one of her conferences and personally meet her!  I owe a lot to Penny for the childbirth educator I have become. To introduce her to E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® was a huge moment for me. I appreciate her taking an interest in E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH®.  Thank you!!

 So, where am I going with this?  Welcome to my BIG wish list!  Never hurts to dream….

  1. Insurance will cover the cost of doula services for ALL pregnancies and new families, not just those at high-risk.  Services will be provided prenatally, during labor and the early parenting days!

 Where is it more important to promote wellness than with our growing families?

  1. When a woman first finds out she is pregnant, part of her routine care will include a visit with a counselor. This visit will provide an opportunity for the woman to discuss any problems, concerns and/ or fears she may have. They can work together to initiate a plan incorporating positive stress management tools such as breath awareness, relaxation and imagery early in the pregnancy.  Early in pregnancy is a wonderful time to begin a relationship with a counselor, so every new mom will have a connection if a need during the pregnancy should arise.  How about an E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH® for every new mother??
  1. Every labor and delivery unit and Birth Center is designed with a walking labyrinth and availability of finger labyrinths (E.S.C.A.P.E. PATH®) for those unable to walk the path!

A lot of work to reach this dream!!  Anyone interested in exploring with me, feel free to contact me at:


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